Thursday 14 January 2010


hello again friends. I think it's about time I dusted the cob webs off this thing and updated.
so here's the progress with my character so far!

The back piece which I think i'm most proud of so far and everyone seems to mention as the coolest part. quake inspired ;)
And the legs which were by far the most troublesome so far. I restarted them because I initially tried to model them to the blueprint in one piece rather than modelling the general shape of the leg and cloth then adding the armour afterwards (yet to come :)

So next should be the armour for the legs and also bringing in the head and possibly modelling a mask / helmet for it.
So there you go! click em and leak salt water, mortals!



Ash said...

nice, you gotten quite a bit done since tuesday ^^, 1 small observation thou your leg looks a lil flat on the front view, pult the edge loop out a VERY small tuch shold fix the issue (Y) enjoy :P

Anonymous said...

Yeah - it's kinda like A PAPA.

Good work man, he's really shaping up nicely. You could tell he would from those bonza blueprints though.