Monday 8 November 2010

On We March.

Sorry for the quiet spell. I've been working on making some trees for the village. It's something I've never tried making before so it feels like a little bit of a challenge. I'm not really all that used to organic stuff...last thing was the character last year really...
so here you go:

after todays presentations I've had a bit of a talk with Stean and Dash and found that I need to start planning ahead a bit more. Particularly with the dream-version of the village that I'm going to be creating. So i'll be planning that out more soon. with Comparisons of original and dream world, if only with a box rendered in max with a comparison of textures.

comments please?



stocko2k said...

nice work b,

i need to make a few trees at some point this week, so if you can post up some wire frames so i can steal ideas.

robochrish said...

lookin good man, keep it up. I'm looking forward to seeing the dream state scene. should be cool. Maybe start out with some mood boards or somethin :)