Sunday, 31 January 2010

More fun than unwrapping at christmas, honest kids!

So here's the progress made so far on the character unwrapping!
happy with the head. It came out very nicely indeed.
And the body was very nice since its symmetrical.

all the pieces of the model have to be placed in fixed areas on the UVW layout so they're recognized in the unreal 3 engine. like so :


Sunday, 24 January 2010



some photoshop work...

lights, render, action!

Behold! renders of the finished model (so far at least ;))
I'm on to doing some photoshop work now which I sadly haven't really given myself enough time for, but i'm very happy with how the model has turned out!

The back looked like it needed something more so I added the pipes :)

That's all folks!

Thursday, 14 January 2010


hello again friends. I think it's about time I dusted the cob webs off this thing and updated.
so here's the progress with my character so far!

The back piece which I think i'm most proud of so far and everyone seems to mention as the coolest part. quake inspired ;)
And the legs which were by far the most troublesome so far. I restarted them because I initially tried to model them to the blueprint in one piece rather than modelling the general shape of the leg and cloth then adding the armour afterwards (yet to come :)

So next should be the armour for the legs and also bringing in the head and possibly modelling a mask / helmet for it.
So there you go! click em and leak salt water, mortals!
