Monday, 30 November 2009

Character Module

Hello again.
I've still a lot of stuff from the last spacial awareness work to put up, mostly about Unreal 3 since I have very few max renders at the moment. I'll get round to that soon enough but i'll start on the character so I can keep that updated as regularly as I can.

first just started with some very rough sketches:

the one highlighted in blue stood out most to me so I went with that one.
the others looked too much like skaters or stroggs. they were only very rough/30 second drawings with the idea of getting a cool shape/silhouette out of them.

when it was drawn up in more detail the cloth parts fit as well with the plate shoulders and arms as they did in the sketch. And it looked more of a feminine/final fantasy XII style character rather than a ass-kicking assassin.
so a couple more sketches to change this.
the shoulders and forearms looked a lot more sci-fi on this one but the torso wasn't too impressive:

looking at lot of quake4 concept art and games like deadspace / hellgate london, a rough idea for a torso developed.

going with this one and adding more metal to reinforce the cloth and making the torso look more complex I came up with the following stage:
once this one is finished i'm getting it put into some blueprints to start modelling in Max and bringing the finished model into Unreal 3!
more drawings to come no doubt :)


Wednesday, 11 November 2009


Just about called it a day on a texture for my floor panels for my level.
still might add something around the middle part of the model but here are some pictures.

more to come soon. i'll be gathering a lot of stuff from previous work to put up :)
